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  1. brittanyf

    Building cage... advice, suggestions, or warnings please.

    Hi all you wonderful people, We are planning on getting into raising rabbits for meat. Also, I think it would be a cool way for my homeschooled kids to learn about genetics. Any suggested websites for that would be greatly appreciated. We are in NC, about in the middle, and planning for...
  2. brittanyf

    Cage height question

    We are gathering materials and planning our cages for meat rabbits. I plan on the actual cages being 24 inches high. My husband will build a frame they will attach to. As we were discussing, my husband was showing me his plan which would put the cage bottom 4 foot off the ground and the top 6...
  3. brittanyf

    Brand new

    Several life changes here starting with homeschooling a year ago. Gardening this year and after hearing a church friend talking about meat rabbits this is is going to be my next step. I'm in a lala land of daydreaming, researching, and planning. Driving my husband crazy. We are planning the...