A little Update....

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2014
Reaction score
Stonyford, California
Hello all you Rabbit Talk friends and family. Boy how I have missed seeing you all. Well it is a sad day that I bring this all to you now. As of July 1st I have had no bunnies in my life. Do to some unforeseen events occurring I have had to give up all my rabbits and the rabbitry. Though I still have the name, and I will start over when things improve once more, it is a sad and lonely place now :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: . I have almost finished school, going on my externship starting on Monday, Aug. 17th, and have 6 weeks of working in a vet hospital full time! I have managed to keep my grades up through everything I have been dealing with. I am set to graduate on the 25th of September. For those who know me, I still have Sage with me, my goofy Border Collie. I will be on as time allows, mind you it might be in the middle of the night when I can make it.... :x Keep your spirits up, take each day as it comes, and remember that above all.... We are human and "life happens". Chin up all and I shall see you when I can. I love and miss all of you here!!!
You have a great attitude and outlook!
Best wishes and keep looking up!!! I have a feeling you're a survivor :!:
Nice to "see" you back at RabbitTalk, Sagebrush. It's sad that you had to give up rabbits for a while, but you have your priorities straight and once you're through school and working, there'll be opportunities to get new rabbits. Think what fun you'll have choosing them!
:bunnyhop: :bunnyhop: :pancake: :bunnyhop: :bunnyhop:

It sounds like your education is going really well. Kudos for maintaining your grades even when things get tough. I'm glad you still have Sage. Border collies are neat dogs.
I'm so glad you were able to drop in and let us know how you are doing! :)

I'm sorry you've had to give up your buns for now, but it's great that you're doing well with your vet schooling! :bouncy:
Good to hear from you, Sage! I was wondering how you were doing. Good job on school. The rabbits are short-term, but your education can make a huge life difference for you in the long run. Sounds like you are taking care of yourself, even in tough situations. Keep us posted so we can have a virtual graduation party! :p
Thank you all for the well wishes and yeah, loosing the rabbits has been tough. Well I start my externship in just 7 hours so I need to get some sleep. Yes I will keep you all posted on how things are going and I plan on getting a heck of alot pictures of the Graduation to share with you all. Sage has made a HUGE difference in how I have handled things so far. He is there to wake me up in the morning and greets me with a wagging tail and slobbery kisses when I get home at night. He has gotten back in the habbit of kicking me off of my queen size bed now that we have our own place once more.
I no longer live with family. Things came to a head at the begining of July and well.... to be honest I have been doing better since then. For those of you who know me and want to know more I will tell you in a PM.

A couple pics of Sage for everyone to see.Who Me.jpgSage.jpg
There you are. Been thinking of you. I am sorry to hear about the rabbits, but we both know that is just a temporary thing until your life settles down some.

You are kicking butt on so many fronts, and I am so happy for you. Your post is full of determination and plans for the future that I know you will achieve. Please keep in touch so we can celebrate your victories with you.
Thank you Marinea, I do plan on keeping in touch a whole lot more. Once normalcy has been achieved again, I know exactly who I want to get my replacement stock from. This time I will have that rabbitry built to last instead of cobbled together until I can get better.... :hmm:
Today was my first day at externship and let me tell you, I had a BLAST! I got to do restraint for 4 jugular draws for pre-surgery blood-work. I was able to assist in two surgeries, from intubation all they way to recovery. one was a lump removal from a front paw and the other was on a spay. Tomorrow there will be 4 more procedures to do in the morning. I don't know what they are but will find out when I get there. If you cannot tell I am super excited and cannot wait to start my day tomorrow. Anyway all, sleep well and I shall see you guys tomorrow night. Even if it is only to prowl the forums to get a good bunny fix. :p
Sagebrush, that is so exciting, learning these new things. And, it will be a great feeling one day to start over with fresh stock. Keep us posted on your journey!
Sagebrush":2icm0tne said:
Thank you Marinea, I do plan on keeping in touch a whole lot more. Once normalcy has been achieved again, I know exactly who I want to get my replacement stock from. This time I will have that rabbitry built to last instead of cobbled together until I can get better.... :hmm:
Today was my first day at externship and let me tell you, I had a BLAST! I got to do restraint for 4 jugular draws for pre-surgery blood-work. I was able to assist in two surgeries, from intubation all they way to recovery. one was a lump removal from a front paw and the other was on a spay. Tomorrow there will be 4 more procedures to do in the morning. I don't know what they are but will find out when I get there. If you cannot tell I am super excited and cannot wait to start my day tomorrow. Anyway all, sleep well and I shall see you guys tomorrow night. Even if it is only to prowl the forums to get a good bunny fix. :p

That is awesome! Congratulations!